We are pleased to announce outstanding results from a residential Aeroseal air duct sealing Safety King carried out on Friday, September 16, 2011. The computer-measured results showed a drop in air duct leakage in this home in Chelsea, MI, from 1052 CFM (cubic feet per minute) to an astonishingly tiny 4 CFM. This is very nearly a complete elimination of leakage from the air ducts.
In most homes in southeast Michigan we are able to achieve about a 90% reduction in air duct leakage by Aerosealing the duct system. A 90% reduction in leakage is in itself an outstanding result and brings about significant savings in energy costs for the homeowner. The reason we usually cannot get to 100% reduction in some homes is that some of the leaks that are hidden behind walls are more than 5/8” wide which puts them beyond the range that Aeroseal can close. In the case of the home whose ducts we sealed on September 16, all the leaks were apparently narrow enough to be sealed totally by the Aeroseal particles. The computer generated certificate from this home is shown below.