
New Corporate Headquarters Opens

New Safety King Headquarters BuildingWe’re proud to announce the Summer, 2005 grand opening of our new corporate headquarters building on the corner of 22 Mile Road and Ryan Road in Utica, MI. The complex consists of a 10,000 square foot training facility/garage and an adjacent 4,000 square foot office building.

This new building replaces the former headquarters building, a turn-of-the-century farmhouse. “It was a question of space, really,” says the owner, Michael S. Palazzolo. “We had seriously outgrown our former quarters. Plus, we needed more space to maintain and service our fleet of twenty Power Vacuum Trucks between jobs. We also needed more space to support our training programs. We continuously train our own NADCA certified technician team and we also offer technician and marketing training to other companies, some from as far away as Indonesia and Australia.”

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