On Tuesday, May 4, 2010, Detroit’s baseball broadcasting legend Ernie Harwell died of cancer at age 92. Harwell was widely known as an engaging and warm person. Listeners said his Tiger baseball broadcast voice displayed kindness and welcome as did few others. Our founder, Mike Palazzolo, met Ernie a few years ago and had hisRead More…
Safety King has just returned from the 21st Annual Conference and Exposition of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) in Tucson, Arizona. We were represented at the convention by Mike Palazzolo (Founder), MJ Palazzolo (President and CEO) and Marcus Palazzolo (Operations Manager). The convention was at the beautiful Westin La Paloma, March 27-30, 2010. TheRead More…
Michael S. Palazzolo, founder of Safety King, and several friends were guests at a speaking engagement featuring Jack Canfield. Jack is the co-author of the incredibly successful “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series and is featured in the movie “The Secret.” As one of Michael’s personal heroes and a like-minded “positive thinker,” Jack teaches theRead More…
February 16-18, 2007 Operations Manager MJ Palazzolo, Supervisor of Shows and Exhibits Marcus Palazzolo and Technician Chris Nevens were all there mingling with the crowd and answering questions. One of the smaller shows that Safety King participates in, the 2007 Macomb Home Improvement Show provided a more intimate setting and more time with each personRead More…
March 4-9, 2006 Safety King sponsors NADCA’s 17th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Held in Dallas, Texas, the “2006 Indoor Environments” meeting was one of the most successful to date. Sponsored by Safety King, attendance was robust and the programs were informative and powerful, yet focused and concise. Below, a view of the beautiful Dallas skyline.Read More…