
You’re at Risk! National Fire Prevention Week

October 4th – 10th is this year’s Fire Prevention Week sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association

dryer_fire3Did you know that 2/3 of fire-caused deaths occur in homes without functioning alarms? That means at least 2,000 lives could be saved each year if smoke alarms are properly located and tested. All smoke alarms have a test button that will sound and let you know they’re still functioning. It only takes a second every month and it could save your family’s life.
This is just one of the many things you can do in your home to fire-proof your life. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) has a new interactive house tour that shows the fire risks in an average home and how to prevent them.

Dryer Vent Safety

One of the most combustible house-hold appliances is the common clothes dryer. There are roughly 15,500 dryer fires each year in America with the leading cause being failure to clean the dryer vent. Dryer vents should be cleaned at a minimum ANNUALLY. Regularly have your dryer vent cleaned to decrease drying times, energy use and, most importantly, decrease the risk of a house fire. Click here to learn more about dryer vent safety and to see about getting yours cleaned.

Schedule Inspection


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