Lasting improvements in air quality for 10 years guaranteed A home’s air duct system is a lot like its plumbing system. They both run throughout the house and both can have a expensive leaks. The difference is that a leaking water pipe will let you know its leaking but a leaking air duct system willRead More…
What you can do to save money on energy this season If you haven’t taken the time yet, consider having your home’s performance measured with an Energy Audit. With this information, you can track down exactly where you’re wasting energy. A lot of wasted energy can be traced back to your heating and cooling system, and moreRead More…
Certified air duct cleaners follow a national standard Congratulations to Eric Plaunt, Anthony Francis, and Jason Doolittle have achieved the advanced NADCA certifications of ASCS and VSMR. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association is the authority on quality air duct cleaning service in North America and these three technicians have exceeded NADCA standards by gettingRead More…
Could the source of your allergies be in your air ducts? Like anything else that is manufactured, ducts and vents will have a lifespan and then will begin to breakdown and you may develop leaks and holes in your duct work. If this happens there is a potential for things like fungi, mold, bacteria, dustRead More…
There are many ways to save on your energy costs. Here are some suggestions to get you started: 1. Dirty Filter Filters are in place to keep your indoor air clean. But as they collect more and more contaminants, they can do more harm than good in your system. If neglected, a filter’s accumulated dustRead More…
Stop Wasting Money, Seal Your Ductwork Consumer Reports, Money Magazine and other leading publications say that duct sealing is one of the best investments to reduce home energy bills. Sealing duct work has proven to be more effective than attic insulation and upgrading windows. Leaving a leak in your air ducts is like leaving a leak in a water pipe: theRead More…